Monday, January 9, 2012

Made It!

So I was waiting on standby for the flight to Bologna from Amsterdam and I saw a really tall girl and noticed she had a Baylor Volleyball sweatshirt on and it was a great feeling.

Needless to say, I made it on the flight and we met up with one of the coaches at the airport. We proceeded to the gym for our first practice, but there was one more hiccup before we bag didn't show up. Oops. I went to baggage claim and they said they would bring it to the hotel.

On the positive side, all of the girls are amazing! They have been lending me clothes, shampoo, toothpaste, and whatever I need until my luggage arrives. They just met me today I was lended a sports bra and everything! Feeling God's love being shared is awesome.

Anyways, hope all is well in the States. Tomorrow we have a two hour practice at 10am and then 3 matches in the evening. Praying for the best.


Ashley Anne August #13

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