Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Zagreb, Croatia: Cultural Experience

We began this morning with breakfast at 9 followed by practice for the setters and outsides from 10-12. I went due to the fact that I am doing both setting and playing libero; soooo excited! I would like to announce my hitting debut! It was so awesome!

So this afternoon, we headed to Zagreb, Croatia for some more sight seeing as a couple of matches. We walked around the main square and just hung out for a bit. We all were a bit hungry and found that there were no places that took Euros nor credit cards! They only took Kuna, the currency there. It was so crazy! Who doesn't take credit cards????

After our adventure, we headed to the gym where I am pleased to tell you that I encountered God. Corey, one of the men in charge, had told us prior to leaving that some of us may not get to play, and I fell in to that group. Instead, I say and put in my headphones, listening to my favorite Celebration Worship songs and reading the book of John! I can't even begin to tell you how amazing this fast is and how I am being drawn closer to God. I love it! Also, there was one girl, Morgan, who turned to me and asked, "what book are you reading?" I lifted my book which reads, 'Holy Bible' on the side and she looked back down, scuffled through her bag, and headed up the bleachers toward me with a book in her hand. She had brought up her favorite Christian book that she has been reading and we began discussing some struggles we have had lately...I love how God works. I could have been on the court playing, but instead, God had me sitting on the sidelines for a reason. After a few minutes, another girl sat by us and we all continued talking and sharing a few testimonies.

Tonight when we returned to the hotel, I felt like I wanted to go down to the lobby. So Mary, my roommate and I headed down to see who was still awake. I ended up chatting with the man working the desk, Gordon; he has been working the past few nights. We talked for about 20 minutes and he showed me picture of his twin children, Emma and Phillip. They were so adorable! He is convinced that I should play handball and he showed me his brother, who was on Croatia's National Team!!! Now he is in Belgium. Ridiculous.

Well, tomorrow is my last day here and the tentative schedule is as follows:

9-9:30: Breakfast
9:30: Meeting
10-12noon: Practice
1pm: Lunch
3:30: Depart
4: Wine Tasting
6:Watch Game

I plan on skipping the wine tasting and going to the professional game. I am wanting to just relax and spend some more time exploring and with God. Maybe Jesus and I will have a date. I love that I can just ask Him and He always is available.

Hope all of you are doing well back in the States. Feel free to comment or write me on FB. I love hearing from you.


Ashley Anne August #13

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