Sunday, January 15, 2012

Slovenia, Night on the Town

Yesterday was our day off for the tour. We spent most of the day in Bled, Slovenia. My new friend, Catelyn, and I walked around the entire lake, which was about 5km around. In the middle of the lake there was an island with a Church upon it. Tim, the head man on our tour, informed some of the girls that is was an option to swim out to the island! Catelyn and I were both dead set on doing this, however apparently they feel that 38 degree water isn't warm enough so they only allow people to do this in summer :(

Upon our walk, we chatted and I found out that she has already played professionally for two years over here in Europe! We drank this hot wine, forgot the name and I couldn't even spell if I did remember. haha. We then stopped at a place that made the famous desert of Kremna Rezina. It's this custard creamy desert that is buttery and delicious! Google it if you get a sec.

I can't tell you all how honored and humbled I feel to be over here. I can't even put into words how it feels to have your dream so close, but so far away. Getting a contract is near impossible for liberos over here, but I am doing my best to trust God that if it is His plan for me to be over here, then it will be. I have never experienced anything like this.

As some of you know, today begins the fast at Celebration. I prayed and asked God to guide me through it. I am so grateful to God for everything He has blessed me with. "It's so much better living in His world. He has given me something I want everyone, everyone to see. I'm learning to be the light." NewWorldSong.

Take your time today to thank God for something you have never thought of thanking Him for.

Thank you God for blessing me with all ten fingers. The things that they have been through and done for me are endless. Thank you for creating such a perfect tool for me to help spread Your love through a hug or a high five. Through a loving letter or a note just to say hello. Please guide me to use the hands You have given me for good, always good, to gorify You, to praise Your name, and to spread Your love. Help me not to be afraid of anything but You.

I love you all and I can't wait to see you all again. I pray that you have an amazing day and remember that God has us right where he wants us.


Ashley Anne August #13

1 comment:

  1. Love u & miss u. I am so proud of you Going for your dreams. Do is best, know that we r here cheering u on.
    Love MomT.
